
Under the patronage of the University President, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Law and Political Science, in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Division at the University of Anbar, and as part of the campaign to combat violence against women, held an electronic workshop entitled (Customs that affect women’s rights from a legal and Sharia perspective) on the day of Wednesday, 11/22/2023, at eight-thirty in the evening. Present: M.D. Wroud Khaled Muhammad, M.M. Rana Sadiq Mahmoud, workshop management M.M. Nour Qahtan Khalil. In the first axis, I discussed M.M. Rana Sadiq Mahmoud Al-Adat regarding women’s rights related to inheritance issues, while M.D. spoke. Reports by Khaled Muhammad on customs affecting women’s rights related to marriage issues - the marriage of minors as an example...The workshop came out with several recommendations, the most prominent of which are: proposing to the Iraqi legislator to include the wife of the deceased in the due will, enabling women to obtain their share of the estate and emphasizing holding the relatives of grandchildren accountable if they are deprived of the due will, working to spread awareness of the importance of marital culture, and cooperation between the Ministry of Endowments and the authorities. concerned to prevent religious scholars from engaging in customary contracts conducted outside the competent courts, and to eliminate legal illiteracy by holding awareness seminars to introduce women’s rights

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