a symposium
a symposium

 Under the patronage of the President of Anbar University, Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Neda, the Women’s Empowerment Division at Anbar University, in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Unit/Al-Tariyya College for Girls at Al-Qadisiyah University, held a symposium entitled (The trend towards feminist leadership in the university community) on Thursday, 11/9/2023.

   The topics of the symposium were:  The first axis: What is feminist leadership? What are its characteristics?  The second axis: What is the importance of women in leadership? And why?  The third axis: What are the challenges that women face in leadership? Are there challenges facing women in the university community? 
Lecturers Dr.. Israa Adnan Abdel-Jalil/Assistant Dean of the College of Pharmacy for Administrative Affairs, Head of the Women’s Empowerment Division at Anbar University, and Editor-in-Chief of the University Women’s Magazine Dr.. Heba Abbas Jassim/Assistant Dean of the College of Education for Pure Sciences for Administrative Affairs and Member of the Editorial Board of the University Women’s Journal Dr.. Sarah Thamer Kazem, head of the Women’s Empowerment Unit/College of Education for Girls at Al-Qadisiyah University, a member of the Arab Association for Psychological Counseling in the Arab World, and a trainer in the field of human development

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