University of Anbar is a green oasis


University of Anbar is a green oasis

In response to the slogan launched by the respected President of our university (University of Anbar is a green oasis), as part of the activities of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center in coordination with local and international organizations and for the continuation of the center's approach to cooperation in concluding understanding memoranda with local and international organizations and institutions for the development of Anbar province. The Al-Aghsan Institution for Environmental and Agricultural Development has provided the center with 2,000 evergreen seedlings for cultivation on campus, in collaboration with the Oases Agricultural Project of the Forestry and Combating Desertification Department.

The Center was provided with seedlings of (Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Washingtonia, and Tamarisk) on Thursday at 3rd of December 2020, and coordinated with the Agricultural Division of the University Presidency to cooperate in the distribution and cultivation of seedlings.


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