


The Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center mourns the death of assistant professor Dr. Mohammed Abdul Wahab, who died on Tuesday morning, 24 November 2020, because of the impact of a terminal illness.

Dr. Wahab Has served at our research center from 2011 to 2018, through which he published many scientific achievements and manuscripts in international peer reviewed journals. He was the head of Natural Resources Department in 2012, until his retirement in 2018, and has left a great impact on the hearts of those who worked with him with his beautiful honesty and cooperation with others in the service of science and university.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Wahab (mercy for his soul) holds a Ph.D. in plant physiology from New Zealand in 1996, and worked at the College of Pure Sciences Education- University of Anbar before transferring him to our research center.

On this painful occasion, we can only pray to Almighty Allah to inspire his family and progeny with patience and fortitude, and be inhabited by the Supreme Paradise.

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