Seminar about database


Seminar about database

A scientific seminar on Ana’s database was held on Sunday 15/11/2020at 10:00 AM, at the hall of Education Directorate in the district. The meeting was attended by The President of Haditha District, the District Governor of Rawa and the mayor of Rawa, representing Mr. Al-Qa'im and Mr. Assistant Dean of the College of Basic Education- Haditha, representing Mr. Dean and the Director of Water Resources in Anbar, a member of the Administrative Board of the Center, the Director of the Anbar Department of Monuments, the directors of the departments in the district, security leaders, as well as the staff of our research center, members of the Administrative Board of UEBDC and a number of officials in the district.

The full program of the symposium was completed and concluded with extensive discussions and recommendation to complete the databases of the d and prepare them in a booklet like the database of Haditha district, which completed the penultimate phase of its output within the series of databases of the Upper Euphrates.

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