


Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center mourns the educational institution at Anbar University in general and the family of the deceased Assistant Professor Muhammed Fahd Tlaib, who passed away on Sunday morning 10/18/2020, because of coronavirus (COVID 19) subsequence.

He served in our research center for three years from 2010 to 2013, during which he presented many scientific achievements, books, participations, and published manuscripts in international journals in Clarivate and Scopus databases. He left a great impression on the hearts of those who worked with him with his beautiful openness and cooperation with others in the service of science and the university. Dr. Muhammad (may God have mercy upon him) worked in the college of Science - Department of Geology, and he was the head of the department for many years, and his specialty was in layers and fossils.

On this painful occasion, we can only pray to Almighty Allah to cover him with the breadth of his mercy, to inspire his relatives and his family with patience and solace, and to dwell in the supreme paradise, for He is Hearer and Responsive.

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