Scientific achievement


Scientific achievement

Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed, Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Center, received my acceptance of the publication of joint scientific research with two graduate students in two court journals during September 2020. The first manuscript is entitled “improving the cultivated area for the Ramadi irrigation project by using water evaluation and planning model (WEAP)” in partnership with student Abu Baker Najem and Dr. Sadiq Eleewi Sulaiman in the journal Al-Rafidain Engineering, Mosul University. Whereas the second is entitled “Optimal Height and Location Model (OHALM) For Rainwater Harvesting Small Dams (Iraqi Western Desert-case Study”, it is accepted for publication in the Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering/ University of Anbar, on 19 September 2020, in partnership with student Rasha Ismail Nayef.

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