The difference between geology and morphology


The difference between geology and morphology

Researcher Alaa Yaseenn Mohammed

 Master of remote sensing / University of Baghdad

Geology –or Stratigraphy: It is one of the branches of earth sciences specializes in the study of the layers of the earth, and the rocks that formed these layers, it is a science specialized in the kinetic and dynamic study of the earth and the most important developments and stages that it goes through and verification of the vital processes that contributed to the formation of the earth thousands of years ago depending on the study of the layers of the earth and the nature of the rocks from which they were formed, which we can consider a historical archive of the earth.

The study of the most important processes that led to their formation and occurred during different periods of time, and some call it stratigraphy, and geology is interested in knowing the natural phenomena that occur on the earth and inside it, for example, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Where this science is concerned with the study and follow-up of the movements of rocks and their layers to identify historical times and detect the most important materials and natural elements found in the rocks to benefit from them in multiple industries, and geology is not limited to surface layers and what we observe with the naked eye, but goes beyond that to the study of phenomena that occur in nature such as the activity of volcanoes, mountain peaks, waterfalls, sediments and fossils, as this science combines the sciences of physics, astronomy, chemistry and mathematics.

Image showing the cycle of rocks in nature

Geomorphology: It is the science of the phenotypic form of the earth concerned with the study of the surface of the earth, that is, everything that exists on the surface of the earth, such as hills, plains, valleys, beaches, sand dunes and other surface land forms, soil morphology is concerned with the compilation and standardization of descriptions of soil characteristics, i.e. morphological description, although it is often experimental and qualitative, but it helps to interpret the special properties of the soil that are measured in the laboratory, to determine the chemical and physical properties of the soil, the science of soil morphology One of the most important pillars that are relied upon in the classification of soil in the past and the present time at times, to identify and describe some of the features of the soil such as (soil colour - soil texture - consistency - and soil pores), and with the progress in digital remote sensors, far and near, more advanced tools have been provided to describe the soil.

Image showing a vertical section of soil horizons


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