Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, the fourth session for the academic year 2023-2024


Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, the fourth session for the academic year 2023-2024

The periodic meeting (fourth session) of the Board of Directors of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar was held for the academic year 2023-2024, under the chairmanship of the Director of the Center, Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, and the presence of the members of the Board of Directors, on Monday, 10/6/2024, and at the beginning of the meeting, the moderator of the session welcomed the attendees, and thanked them for attending this meeting in light of the hot weather, and the Council discussed the paragraphs on the agenda, took recommendations on them and submitted them to University Presidency for Approval. The most important items on the agenda of the meeting are the following:

1        Discussing the proposal of Prof. Dr. Esam Khudair Hamza to work on issuing a comprehensive scientific encyclopaedia within the scientific disciplines of the centre, including scientific and social activities in the governorate.

2        Discussing what was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Research and Development Department, Department of Cultural Relations, No. P.O. Box/11/21150 dated 30/5/2024, which includes the validity of a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Higher Education and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology in the field of science, technology and innovation, and considering the mechanism for benefiting from this memorandum.

3        Discussing the proposal of the Research and Development Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to develop research centres in universities from a scientific point of view. 4- Discussing the draft proposal by the assistant teacher Ahmed Ashour Enad, to obtain a patent for the manufacture of a device for measuring well water levels.

4        A proposal to name the discussion room in the centre.


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