Daily progress of the amount of solar energy, temperatures and indicator (ultraviolet - UV) arriving in Iraq


Daily progress of the amount of solar energy, temperatures and indicator (ultraviolet - UV) arriving in Iraq

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre – University of Anbar announced its forecast regarding meteorology for the coming days, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jassam Mekhlif, a climate expert in the Department of Natural Resources Development, stated that the numerical model data extracted from meteorological maps indicate that the amount of energy reaching the surface during the next week above at (12:00 P.M) on Friday and Saturday 7-8/6/2024, due to the clarity of the sky, the absence of clouds and the lack of impurities in the atmosphere, ranged as follows:

Mountainous and western area: 961 – 980 W/m2

Semi-mountainous and central area: 946 – 960 Wm2

Southern Region: 930 - 945 Wm2

This led to an increase in high temperatures as well as the control of the Indian seasonal thermal depression, as temperatures ranged as follows:

As for the ultraviolet (UV) index, according to reading the numerical models of the weather maps, it turns out that its value ranges between (9-11), which means a very high level on Iraq during Friday and Saturday, corresponding to 7-8/6/2024, so exposure to the sun should be avoided as much as possible, especially during the afternoon, and people who have to go out should wear a hat and sunglasses or take a sun umbrella when going out and wear cotton clothes, because the high ultraviolet (UV) rays cause (sunburn) one of its damages.


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