The most prominent weather conditions during the coming week


The most prominent weather conditions during the coming week

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar announced the expected weather during the next week, and Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jassam Mekhlif, a climate expert in the Natural Resources Development Department at the Centre, stated that the northern region and parts of western Iraq will be exposed to a rainy situation with limited impact on Tuesday evening and Wednesday, 28-29/5/2024, as a result of its exposure to an extension of a Mediterranean air depression that prevails in the western and northern regions of Iraq.

Cloud cover status: The sky of Iraq in the western and northern region covers the quality of medium and high clouds during the evening of Tuesday and Wednesday, 28-29/5/2024.

Temperature: It is noticed through the daily walk of the maximum temperature in Iraq that during the next (10) days, Iraq's weather will be hot and exhausting, as the maximum temperatures exceed (40) C, due to the heat wave that will dominate Iraq due to the seasonal Indian depression, as the central and southern region records the highest maximum temperatures, especially in Baghdad and Basra, and the average impact on the northern region, as observed in the forms of daily flow of temperatures shown below.


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