A team to prepare a study of the prospects of university educational development in the Upper Euphrates region - Anah District


A team to prepare a study of the prospects of university educational development in the Upper Euphrates region - Anah District

Within the framework of the cooperation and openness witnessed by the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre at the University of Anbar to the various state departments, the Department of Regional and Local Development at the Ministry of Planning, Prof. Dr. Isam Muhammad Abdulhameed, former director of the Centre, was chosen to cooperate in the possibility of preparing a study of the prospects for educational development in the Upper Euphrates region - Anah district - as a case study according to the letter of the Anbar Planning Directorate No. 158 on 7/5/2024. This is due to its high scientific expertise in the field of university education and development.

Perhaps one of the justifications for such studies in the Upper Euphrates Basin area is the large area of Anbar province, and after its important and large population districts from the centre of the province where University of Anbar is located.

Where the population of the districts of the western region, starting from the district of Heet to Al-Qaim, more than half a million people, distributed along the Euphrates River at a distance of more than 260 km, this region has a strategic location for its neighbour three Arab countries, with active trade and tourism relations with Iraq, as well as the presence of roads and railways open to the northern region in the provinces of Salah al-Din, Mosul and the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The success of the experience of developing three colleges in Al-Qaim, Haditha, and Hit, includes about 2,000 students, with more than 200 teachers and employees, and there is a research station at the university site in the district of Haditha, with an area of more than forty dunums, and it has an advanced air station, a field laboratory, and a greenhouse, and it has been approved to develop another research station in the district of Anah, with an area of five dunums, and it is planned to expand the establishment of research stations in all districts of the Upper Euphrates.


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