The Five Necessities in Islam and Their Impact on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


The Five Necessities in Islam and Their Impact on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Assistant Instructor Abdul Kareem Ali Abdullah

Human Resources Development Department / Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar

The term sustainable development is one of the modern concepts that have invaded the world recently, which were stipulated in United Nations resolutions, supported and set seventeen goals related to the preservation of human beings, the development of his capabilities, the preservation of the environment and the development of its resources, if we look closely at the teachings of Islam, we will find that they dealt with these goals and urged them, especially with regard to the human being, as the main purpose of development in Islam is man, and one of the most important priorities for human development is to preserve: (his religion, his soul, his descendants, his money, and his mind) these five important things, which are called by the scholars of the fundamentals (the five necessities, or major colleges), and they are obligatory for every Muslim to abide by them and seek to apply them, and the nation has unanimously agreed to preserve them and inflict blame and punishment on those who violate them; because it is inherent in carrying out the interests of religion and worldliness, These necessities are derived according to texts from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, which are the foundations of urbanization in every society, without which the interests of the people in this world and the hereafter would not have been achieved and chaos would have prevailed in societies, so the basis of preserving religion in its comprehensive sense is intended to live society according to a system that guarantees justice and achieves the interest of all, so that a person lives according to this item safe and reassuring convinced of his religion and belief, his almighty Allah says (There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion). Thus, achieving the principle of peaceful coexistence and societal stability among all members of society of different religions and beliefs, by the controls and laws set by Islamic law.

The purpose of self-preservation is a comprehensive concept to preserve the human soul and its survival, so Islam forbids suicide and throwing oneself into destruction as Almighty Allah says (  and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]) and it is forbidden in general to kill oneself without right, his almighty says (  And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right. ), this purpose also involves preserving the lives of others said almighty: ( Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul[258] or for corruption [done] in the land[259] - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one [260] - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely), and helping others to get rid of poverty and hunger that falls on destruction, and is also embodied in the principle of social solidarity through the payment of zakat and charity and the encouragement to help and feed others.

It also includes the principle of preserving the human soul by preparing well and equipping armies to face any external aggression that destroys ploughing and offspring and prevents development as his almighty says (  and prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war [456])

To preserve the human offspring, it would preserve the human species in general search for its formation on a sound basis, and raise a generation in an appropriate environment that promotes it and prepares it to serve society, in a way that ensures the sustainability of life and the preservation and development of its wealth.

To preserve money, which is one of the important and basic means to achieve this stable and decent life achieve the principle of well-being and decent life, and ensure the establishment of infrastructure and advanced projects? In this area, Islam forbids wasting money and extravagance in it, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Allah has forbidden you to disobey mothers and infanticide daughters, and to prevent and hate, and to hate you for what was said and said, and a lot of questioning, and wasting money." Allah, may He be exalted, also forbade giving money to fools who do not dispose of it well and squander it, his Almighty says ( And do not give the weak-minded your property,[163] which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you).

He also urged the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to plan for the future, saying: "It is better if you give birth to your heirs who are rich than if you give them a family who will support people."

Preserving the mind is done by preserving it by removing the obstacles to its development and development, starting with the evils of intoxicants and drugs that Islam has forbidden, and ending with atheistic ideas and the whispers of Satan that a Muslim must stay away from, and thus we guarantee a healthy developing mind that establishes construction and development and we find a society free of crime, decay and backwardness.

From the above focus of Islam on these necessities, we find that Islam does not look at the creation of wealth as much as it looks at the maker of that wealth, which is man, who was honoured by God Almighty and harnessed to him the universe and what is in it, the Almighty said: ( And We have certainly honoured the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference).

There is no doubt that the architecture of the earth and the development of its wealth requires an active and influential element, which is the human being, as the reconstruction process can only be carried out by a rational human being who is prepared and armed with science, thought and skill that enables him to carry out the reconstruction process, and this is the core of sustainable human development and its goals, the Almighty said: ( It is He Who brought you into being from the earth and settled you therein. So seek His forgiveness then turn to Him in repentance, for My Lord is Ever Near, All-Responsive).

Man is the focus of activity in the universe; God harnessed to him what is in the heavens and the earth, and bestowed on him his grace apparent and inward, everything in the universe is devoted to him and his service, so Islam was keen to preserve himself, his mind, his descendants, his money and his religion, being the main element of production and architecture of the earth.

In general, rooting the human development goals in Islam according to the five necessities is part of a comprehensive vision for the sustainable development of man and society according to Islamic principles and values.


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