HEBDC director received the shield of the University of Salahaddin in Arbil


HEBDC director received  the shield of the University of Salahaddin in Arbil

     Prof. Dr. Essam Mohammed Abdul Hamid, Director of the Higher Euphrates Developing Center representative of the University of Anbar received the University shield of Salahaddin in Arbil On Tuesday 7/7/2015. The ceremony was attended by the University of Salahaddin Chief  Dr. Ahmed Anwar Diza Yee, President of Salahuddin University and Professor Dara Jaf, Director of the Center for Scientific Research in Arbil. Nuri Hamdan Al-Mohammadi, a member of the staff of the Center. they discussed enhancing and strengthening the relationships between the two universities academically and scientifically especially in fulfilling scientific researches in the same specialties, for this reason the general director of scientific researches has been asked to cooperate with this university for taking scientific experience between the two parts.

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