Experimental monitoring of pollution levels and emissions at the University of Anbar


Experimental monitoring of pollution levels and emissions at the University of Anbar

In implementation of the university's strategic plan and the directions of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar and with the direct support of the university presidency, a research team from the Planning and Databases Department at the centre began experimental monitoring and measurements of air pollution levels on the campus of University of Anbar.

Dr. Atheer Saleem Obaid, head of the team, said that preliminary surveys and measurements of oxygen levels, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen in addition to hydrogen sulfide were conducted, where several points were selected and their coordinates were fixed, represented by the centre's gardens, the location of the university presidency generators, and the low-afforestation area between the parking lot of the College of Engineering and the College of Law, in addition to two points in the university site inquiries and the street leading to the external parking lot of the university bridge at the main university entrance.

Dr. Atheer Saleem added that the university presidency generators area, despite the presence of green areas nearby, was the highest concentration for carbon dioxide, although the generators were in a state of extinguishing for more than three hours with a relatively high wind speed compared to the entrance to the university from the side of the bridge, despite the movement of cars, but the impact of the generators was higher, while the area between the College of Law and the parking lot of the College of Engineering recorded the lowest concentration due to the lack of movement of cars at the time of measurement and being Open area with relatively high wind speed as we indicated.

These preliminary results indicated the significant impact of electricity generators on the environment and air pollution significantly, which confirms the importance of these measurements in providing databases for air pollution, studying the impact of afforestation and green spaces in reducing emissions and pollution, and developing some foundations and indicators for the distribution of generator sites on campus, in addition to planning and designs of green sustainable cities, in addition to the importance of these databases for graduate students and researchers in this field.


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