Panel Discussion on (Agricultural Wealth Databases in Anbar Governorate)


Panel Discussion on (Agricultural Wealth Databases in Anbar Governorate)

The Department of Natural Resources Development at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar held on Sunday, 31/12/2023, at the Centre's Ballroom a panel discussion entitled: (Agricultural Wealth Databases in Anbar Governorate).

This study was conducted by the research team headed by Assistant Professor Dr. Nawfal Adnan Sabri Al-Nuaimi and a number of researchers in cooperation with the Directorate of Agriculture of Anbar, under the supervision of the Head of the Department of Natural Resources Development.

Dr. Arkan Al-Rubaie from the Anbar Directorate of Agriculture gave a detailed explanation of the study and the number of agricultural wealth in the province, the weaknesses in the agricultural sector, what are the causes of the problem, and what is the appropriate solution, as databases are important in identifying the problems facing the agricultural sector in Anbar province.


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