Weather forecast on Wednesday evening and next day on Thursday 28-12-2023


Weather forecast on Wednesday evening and next day on Thursday 28-12-2023

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre announced the expected weather for Thursday 28-12-2023. Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jasam, a climate expert and researcher in the Department of Natural Resources Development, said that, God willing, as a result of the presence of a state of atmospheric instability, the western parts of the country are exposed to a rainy situation (medium to light) to include Anbar province, the capital Baghdad and the southern parts of the country and extend to Tikrit and Diyala, and may be accompanied by thunderstorms in separate areas. The chances of rain will continue until tomorrow, Thursday, to weaken in the evening and then fade.

As for the northern region, it is recorded free of rain, as it records a state of atmospheric stability.

Satellite images showed that the rains will be concentrated in the western region and the Upper Euphrates basin, which will provide good opportunities to enhance the water storage in the existing dams and reservoirs to harvest rainwater in the region.

It is noteworthy that the Planning and Databases Department at the center also issues detailed bulletins for monitoring and satellite surveillance operations on the reservoirs of the region's dams in the wake of each wave of floods and rains, in addition to the bulletins issued by the Natural Resources Development Department from Dr. Ahmed Jassam on the weather as part of the center's efforts and plans to provide data to study climate change in Iraq and the university's strategic plans to achieve development goals and the vision of University of Anbar 2030.

·        To view the expected temperatures for Thursday in different parts of Iraq 28-12-2023 ... Click here

·        To view the satellite image of the distribution of temperatures ... Click here

·        To view the satellite image of the expected rain for Thursday 28-12-2023... Click here



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