Weather status for Friday and Saturday 22-23 December, 2023


Weather status for Friday and Saturday 22-23 December, 2023

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre at University of Anbar issued its forecast for the rainy situation for Friday and Saturday, 22, 23 December, 2023.

Dr. Ahmed Jasam, a climate expert in the natural resources development department at the center, said that rainfall cells were formed in Anbar province starting from Friday night to also include parts of Mosul and Tikrit. Then it expands to include the northern region and snowfall in Sulaymaniyah, as well as the rainy situation moves to include the central and southern region of the country, while it is empty in the central and western region of the country.

To view the rainy situation for Friday 22-12-2023 ... Click here.

To view the rainy situation for Saturday 23-12-2023 ... Click here.


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