Weather forecast for Thursday, 21/12/2023 and precipitation status for Friday 22/12/2023


Weather forecast for Thursday, 21/12/2023 and precipitation status for Friday 22/12/2023

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre announced the forecasts of the Centre’s experts for the weather for Thursday 21-12-2023, and (Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jasam), a climate expert at the center, stated that satellite monitoring weather data indicates that it is expected that a state of fog will be renewed during the coming hours, especially with the hours of Thursday dawn and low visibility, with low temperatures, and all of this and we are still at the end of autumn. The clouds mark the start of a rainy situation expected for Friday hopefully over parts of the country.

Expected temperatures for Thursday 21/12/2023 as follows:

Northern Region: Minor (1) - Great (13) m.

Central Region: Minor (6) - and Great (15) m

Southern Region: Minor (7) - Great (20) m

Western Region: Minor (4) - Great (14) m

Anbar Governorate: The minimum and maximum temperature is as follows:

Ramadi, Habbaniyah and Fallujah: Minor (5) – Great (16) m

Qaim: Minor (4) – Great (15) m

Rutbah: Minor (0) – Great (13) M

Wind is north to northwesterly in the range of 10 to 19 km/h.

To see the fog state for Thursday 21-12-2023 ... Click here.

To view the minimum temperature for Thursday 21-12-2023 ... Click here.

To view the maximum temperature for Thursday 21-12-2023 ... Click here.

To view the rainy situation for Friday 22-12-2023 ... Click here.



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