Rain wave statistics in Anbar province


Rain wave statistics in Anbar province

The Planning and Databases Department at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar announced statistics on the rain wave in Anbar Governorate on December 12, 13, 2023. The statistics showed that the amount of rain recorded at the center's meteorological station on the Anbar University campus amounted to (7) mm, according to Dr. Ahmed Saud, head of the Planning and Databases Department. At the Centre’s terminal station in Haditha, the station recorded 0.6 mm, according to engineer Juma’a Mohammed Ahmed, station official.

As for the Rutba station, Engineer Ahmed Ismail Odeh indicated that light raindrops were recorded in the city of Rutba, but moderate rain was monitored in both Arar and the Nukhayb area, with runoff events recorded in the Nukhayb area towards the Shabiha Dam.

The data recorded during the previous two days with high accuracy is consistent with what was announced by the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar in its updated bulletin on weather data in Anbar province and its weather forecast in the province for Tuesday and Wednesday based on satellite images.

The Planning and Databases Department at the Centre stated that other statistics on dams and storage levels will be issued later, in a way that supports the databases that the Centre seeks to establish for the purpose of studying climate change within the university's vision 2030 to achieve sustainable development goals.



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