Weather forecast for Tuesday, 12/12/2023


Weather forecast for Tuesday, 12/12/2023

Within the development plan of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar and in order to achieve the sustainable development goals within the vision of the University of Anbar 2030, especially those related to the study of climate change and the provision of databases for researchers and those interested in this important field, the Centre has developed a special bulletin for weather forecasts in Anbar province using satellites prepared by (Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Jassam Mekhlif), a climate researcher in the Natural Resources Development Department at the Centre.

Dr. Ahmed Jassam indicated the expected weather condition (God willing) for Tuesday, 12/12/2023, Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre:

1.     The western plateau region of Iraq is witnessing a state of atmospheric instability on Tuesday, 12/12/2023, as it was affected by a frontal depression, which creates opportunities for rain in the form of showers for short periods and in separate areas, starting this afternoon, then it will return to rain accumulatively throughout Anbar Governorate to expand to the regions of Iraq at (10 pm), and its fall continues until (6) am on Wednesday, 13/12/2023.

2.     Temperatures during the day on Tuesday are low: (13°C) and maximum: (20°C), and their drop continues until Wednesday.

3.     Relative humidity (60%) during the morning - (80%) and increases during the evening hours.


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