Terminal station staff in Haditha monitors the runoff events of Hajlan valley


Terminal station staff in Haditha monitors the runoff events of Hajlan valley

Despite the difficult weather conditions, the staff of the terminal station in Haditha, affiliated to the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar, was able to record and monitor the runoff events of Hajlan valley inside the city of Haditha today, Wednesday, 19-11-2023.

Engineer Juma’a Mohammed Ahmed, the in charge of the terminal station in Haditha, said that the peak of the runoff events was recorded in Hajlan valley within the city of Haditha at four o'clock in the afternoon, and the discharge of the floods reached about (15) cubic meters per second, and the meteorology continued until after sunset, where the discharge of (10) cubic meters per second was recorded.

Engineer Juma’a Mohammed added that meteorological measurements will resume with the early hours of the morning, and data and reports will be issued about runoff events and rainfall data as soon as they are received and archived successively, as the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, represented by the Planning and Databases Department and the terminal station in Haditha, have started since last season to record runoff events and rainfall data in stations specially established for this purpose in order to provide continuous and actual databases for the hydrology of the Upper Euphrates region to support research on the study of climate change and postgraduate students studies.

To see the floods of Haglan valley:

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