Scientific Committee Meeting


Scientific Committee Meeting

With the grace of Almighty Allah, the first session of the Scientific Committee was held at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre at the University of Anbar for the academic year 2023-2024, on Monday, 23/10/2023, and the themes of the meeting dealt with everything related to completing the requirements for the establishment of two scientific research departments in the Centre, namely:  1- Department of Environment and Pollution. 2- Department of Meteorology and Climate. During the meeting, the vision, mission and objectives of each of the two new departments were developed with a feasibility study and the reasons for the development, and the Chairman of the Scientific Committee touched on the need to lay the correct scientific foundations in starting the development of the two sections, especially since the centre has a leading role in the field of sustainable development, and he also explained that the two sections proposed to be created, which have been obtained initial approval for their development by the President of the University, will have a great positive impact in contributing to supporting and achieving the goals of our Centre toward the aspirations towards sustainable development in 2030.


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