Completion of the preparation of monitoring stations in Horan valley and the installation of a station in Al-Massad valley


Completion of the preparation of monitoring stations in Horan valley and the installation of a station in Al-Massad valley

 With almighty Allah assistant, the staffs of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre at the University of Anbar have completed the work of preparing the monitoring station on Horan valley inside the city of Rutba, and has also completed the construction of a new station on Al-Massad valley near the city of Rutba to complete the preparation of all monitoring stations for the centre in the valleys of the region Western. Engineer Ahmed Ismail Odeh stated that all engineering survey works were conducted for the sections of the valleys at the monitoring station and the installation of measurement rulers to extract the calibration curve for Al-Massad valley (Rating Curve) with the maximum possible accuracy and in a way that prepares for the creation of accurate databases that can be used in any upcoming development plans or projects, in addition to studies and research for graduate students, in a way that supports the university's strategic plans and vision 2030 to achieve sustainable development goals, in addition to studies on the impact of climate change.


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