Visit of the President of the University


Visit of the President of the University

In support of the research and scientific centres at the University of Anbar, the President of the University, Prof. Dr. (Mushtak Talib Nada), accompanied by a number of heads of departments in the presidency of the university, visited the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre as part of his tour to a group of research centres at the university, during which he met with the teaching staff and researchers at the centre.

During the visit, His Excellency was informed on the work of the laboratories, the most important research projects that were implemented in the previous period, and the most important future projects that the centre's researchers aim to implement after obtaining the support of the university presidency. He identified the most important requirements and needs for the completion of these research projects, and ordered that the centre be equipped with a number of equipment.

For his part, the President of the University called for cooperation and openness to international universities, the dissemination of scientific research in sober international containers, and the highlighting of scientific competencies at the university, pointing to the importance of activating memorandums of understanding and cooperation with local and international centres and universities..

He concluded the visit with a number of recommendations that encourage increasing scientific contribution and expanding work with organizations and institutions that serve the university and society.


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