Meeting of heads of departments and research units at the centre


Meeting of heads of departments and research units at the centre

A meeting was held in the meeting room of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre that included the Director of the Centre and the heads of departments and research units in the Centre.

The meeting discussed the most important recommendations and outputs of the scientific symposium held in the Office of the Prime Minister and under the patronage of Mr. Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, Chairman of the Centre Council, tagged ((The role of studies and research centres in the success of the government program)), which was held in the presence of high university presidents and consultants, in addition to directors of research centres in the universities of Anbar, Mosul, and Basra.

During the meeting, they discussed the research plans of the scientific departments and the need to be based on solving a realistic problem in society or the work of service departments in the governorate, especially those related to the citizen. During the meeting, they also discussed the issue of the work of laboratories, departments and research units according to the challenges and variables facing society, as well as the latest projects and research studies and their completion rates and recommendations were submitted to the Board of Directors of the Centre for approval.


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