Our Research Centre 's Director participates in a virtual seminar


Our Research Centre 's Director participates in a virtual seminar

    Proff.. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed, Director of our Research Center, participated in the Water Scarcity Scientific Symposium and the role of modern technology in water management in the province of Anbar, Founded on 16-4-2020 by the Department of Dam Engineering and Water Resources via the Google Application meeting and delivered a lecture entitled Management of Small Dam Reservoirs in the Western Desert (Horan Valley) which included the development of a mathematical model for the design of optimum depth and the most suitable location for the chains of rainwater harvesting dams in the Western Desert with a focus on the Horan Valley, which occupies 10% of the area of Anbar province and the volume of the flowing water of Seoul about 250 million cubic meters in the rain season, and shows that the results of this model are close to the mathematical model. The reality of the dams that were designed and implemented in the region in terms of storage levels of about 14 meters, while this model achieved larger reservoir volumes than those dams, which have been successful in storing flood water since its inception until now.

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