Satellite images on the water position of small dams in the western region of Iraq


Satellite images on the water position of small dams in the western region of Iraq

The Planning and Databases Department at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar announced a set of satellite images about the water situation in some dams of the western region.

Images derived by satellites of the European Space Agency for the period from June 8 to July 13, 2023 showed that the Obeid, Rutba and Rahaliya dams still maintain a very good water storage despite the interruption of the rainy season for more than two months ago, As the White Dam is the best in maintaining the storage levels, then the Rutba Dam, and finally the Rahalia Dam, with the loss of water storage completely in other dams such as Shabcha, Um El-Tarfat and others, which clearly indicates that the foundations and design standards for the Al-Obeid, Rutba and Rahaliya dams are the best and most appropriate for water harvesting projects in the western region and that they are worthy of being taken into account when designing and constructing dams in the region and Iraq in general.

The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre also calls on specialists and authorities responsible for designing and implementing dam projects in the Ministry of Water Resources to adopt these standards and specifications, with an invitation to the engineering departments in the colleges of engineering and specialized in the field of dam engineering and hydraulic installations to study these specifications and standards for the purpose of adopting them in the curricula of these departments.

To view the satellite images of the White Dam, click here.

To view the satellite images of the Rutba Dam, click here.

To view the satellite images of the Rahalia Dam, click here.


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