Rationalizing water consumption is a legitimate and moral duty


Rationalizing water consumption is a legitimate and moral duty

Based on the directives of the Presidency of the University of Anbar and based on what was approved by the Administrative Board of UEBDC for the need to work on rationalizing water consumption and developing citizens' awareness of the importance of this issue in reducing the significant negative effects of the decrease in water revenues associated with climate change in the world, the Human Resources Development Department at UEBDC – University of Anbar launched an awareness campaign under the slogan: 

((Rationalizing water consumption is a legitimate and moral duty))

The campaign includes the issuance of brochures in addition to educational guidance videos that will be published through various media to reach the largest possible number of citizens.

The brochures and guidance videos include guidance and procedures through which water consumption can be rationalized and reducing waste in this important wealth in human life, whether for domestic use (first video release), agriculture and irrigation (next video release) or other uses such as industry and others.

The campaign includes, at a future stage, the running of lectures and educational presentations in primary, intermediate and secondary schools up to the university stages with different questionnaires to know the impact of this type of activities and provide databases for various studies in the field of environment and sustainable engineering designs for water consumption systems in Iraqi cities, while ensuring greater participation of young human resources and university students in this campaign. Where he designed and directed the first video release to rationalize water consumption, the student (Mahmood Omar Yassin), a student in the second stage - Department of Electrical Engineering / College of Engineering at the University of Anbar.

It is the first experience for him and the centre in this field, waiting for the opinions and observations of specialists, researchers and media to develop these capabilities, hoping that everyone will participate and support this campaign, including making constructive observations to develop and sustain it.

To download the campaign brochure  ..... Click here (1)

                                                                 Click here (2)

To download the first video release  .....  Click here


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