The importance of databases in crises managements


The importance of databases in crises managements

      Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Khalid Batal Al-Najem, Respected President of University of Anbar, the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Centre held a seminar entitled "The Importance of Databases in Crisis Management" on the Google Meet platform at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020.

The seminar dealt with a number of lectures:

1.                Databases are a key pillar in the face of crises (Ramadi district as a model), Dr. Omar Yaseen Neda.

2.                Health reality in Haditha District, Dr. Ayad Ghazi, Mr. Mohammed Jalal / Haditha General Hospital.

3.                The reality of education in Ramadi district and University of Anbar / Dr. Ahmed Taha Yaseen.

The seminar was attended by a number of department managers in the province and specialists, who had interventions that influenced the episode with valuable information concerning databases and their importance in crisis management, especially in the education and health sectors in Anbar province. 


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