University of Anbar at the forefront of Iraqi universities in meteorology and providing databases to study climate change


University of Anbar at the forefront of Iraqi universities in meteorology and providing databases to study climate change

In view of the climate changes taking place in the world and the decisions of the Earth Summit that adopted the goals of sustainable development and committed the signatory countries to actual measures to achieve these goals, most of which are affected by the subject of these climate changes, the subject of meteorology has become one of the most important topics adopted by the countries of the world to provide databases that enable researchers to study climate change and work to reduce its negative effects to reach the achievement of sustainable development goals.

The University of Anbar is the first Iraqi university to adopt the subject of meteorology for the purpose of establishing an integrated database to study climate change through the meteorological station in the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, which began work in 2020, followed by the Mustansiriya University station in 2022 As for the level of other national stations, the University of Anbar was preceded only by the Basra Astronomical Dome station, which began work in 2018, and then a new station named (Rabya or Rabia) in Kirkuk Governorate, which began work in 2023 According to the weather station (Weather link).

These four stations are only Iraqi stations within the network, which indicates the need to connect more networks, especially if compared with the stations of neighboring countries in the figure below, which shows that Iraq is the least country in this field.

University of Anbar, through the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre and its own capabilities, completed the installation and operation of another station in Haditha and work is underway to install and operate another station in Rutba that can record and measure rain data, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, relative humidity, temperatures, dust and many other variables.

The Planning and Databases Department was able to link the station with the international meteorological network (Weather link) and subscribe within this station, where the Planning and Databases Department at the centre indicated that the subscription allows us to view meteorology in stations located in neighboring countries in addition to stations in various countries and continents of the world, which provides researchers with detailed databases to study climate change at the level of the region and also at the global level in various disciplines such as engineering hydrology, meteorology and physics.

The Centre is open to all national institutions, researchers and graduate students to cooperate in completing research and studies on climate change within the goals of the university and the center in community service and the university's vision 2030 to achieve the goals of sustainable development.




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