Putting the water reservoir in the Haditha dam through satellite images


Putting the water reservoir in the Haditha dam through satellite images

The Planning and Databases Department announced the latest update of satellite images taken from the satellites of the European Space Agency for the Haditha Dam reservoir for the months of April and May 2023.

The pictures showed the significant decrease in the water storage of the dam reservoir compared to previous years, which requires working to find the best ways to manage the available storage in the current water scarcity conditions, whether rationalizing water consumption or working to reduce losses or any other treatments through the efforts of researchers and specialists in this field, in addition to the possibility of understandings with upstream countries in this regard.

The pictures taken in this year and previous years showed that the current storage level is the lowest since 2018, and the pictures also showed the volume of consumption from the reservoir between the months of April and August of previous years, as the summer season represents July, August and September the season of water scarcity, and it is possible to predict the significant shortage in storage by comparing the storage between the months of April for the previous 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2022 years while we note in 2019 and because the releases from neighbouring countries were at good rates, the storage is in the dam Haditha has increased significantly in August compared to April, which indicates the importance of understandings with neighboring countries regarding it.

To view satellite images 2023 click here.

To view satellite images 2022 click here.

To view satellite images 2021 click here.

To view satellite images 2020 click here.

To view satellite images 2019 click here.

To view satellite images 2018 click here.



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