Water and Energy Harvesting City (The city of dispensing with the national electricity network and heating fuels and dispensing "completely or partially" with river water and cooking gas)


Water and Energy Harvesting City (The city of dispensing with the national electricity network and heating fuels and dispensing "completely or partially" with river water and cooking gas)


Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed and Prof. Dr. Saif Aldin Abdul Razzaq Salem

Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - Desert Studies Centre

University of Anbar

1-    Preface:

The world is witnessing heavy climate changes that have an impact on arid and semi-arid regions, prompting researchers to investigate water harvesting techniques and safe exploitation of groundwater, as well as the energy crisis that is the backbone of any new start.

This project aims to establish a green city or an environmentally friendly village designed on the basis of investing all the rainwater it receives and recycling it, and producing renewable energy of various types such as solar, wind, bio-energy, underground energy, and others.

This abstract presents an outline of this project without going into design details in which there are multiple engineering, agricultural and environmental disciplines, and each specialization has its researchers concerned with publishing in it. This strategic project can be divided into paragraphs or phases to facilitate its completion leading to a city with integrated water and energy security.

2-    Sustainable house:

A.   Environmentally friendly building materials.

B.   A convenient approach to optimizing the use of solar energy.

C.   Energy conservatory exterior door materials and designs.

D.   Materials and wipers of double-glazed windows.

E.    Rainwater harvesting Grey-water recycling.

F.    Solar cell roof.

G.   Green fence, green walls.

H.   Sustainable outdoor walkways.

I.       Solar heater and bio-energy release furnace.

J.      Intelligent lighting and water management system.

K.   Crypt to take advantage of the energy of the earth's interior (taking into account the danger of groundwater).

3-    The Sustainable Village or City:

The geographical location of the sustainable city affects the type of renewable energy that can be invested, and in general, the cities of Iraq have suitable solar hours for the investment of solar energy, while wind energy is preferred to be used in high areas of mountains and plateaus, on the other hand, the vital energy is not affected by the geographical location of the city. The city is equipped with a smart weather station through which garden irrigation systems and green belts are operated, and the station is linked to satellites to predict the expected weather for the coming days.

A.   Sustainable roads (road paving materials, road orientation, a forestation of median and roadside islands, water harvesting).

B.   Sustainable modes of transport, (electrical, horsepower).

C.   Heavy water recycling.

D.   A renewable energy water tank (wind, solar and down water traffic).

E.    Internet towers equipped with wind fans and solar cells.

F.    Areas and orientation of government buildings with the optimal investment of solar energy.

G.   A sanitary landfill area that produces bio-energy.

H.   Various green spaces.

I.       Sports activities places that produce energy.

J.      Animal husbandry fields with water harvesting, renewable energy (determined according to the direction of the wind, surrounded by a green belt with dimensions that prevent pollution of the city's environment).

K.   An industrial neighborhood producing energy.

L.    A sustainable green belt that surrounds the city and its entire neighborhood.

4-    Renewable Energy Infrastructure:

In order to achieve better economic feasibility, the project needs to establish factories for solar cells and their accessories, especially since their raw materials are available in the country, such as high-purity sand and acids. The expansion of these industries provides many job opportunities and facilitates the construction of these villages producing renewable energy.

5-    Enactment of the Sustainable City Law.

The planning and design of the energy-producing city requires the decision of a state that adopts it and allows the formation of specialized teams to implement its nucleus that contributes to convincing of its importance and economic, environmental and health feasibility. It is necessary to legislate a law that preserves the privacy of the sustainable city to be an integrated model for the production and conservation of energy, harvesting and recycling water with green spaces and belts that preserve its environment from polluting the emissions of neighboring cities. Fuel vehicles are not allowed to enter and only renewable energy transports or horses.

6-    Conclusion.

It is clear from the above paragraphs that this strategic project requires its implementation of a consulting team that includes multiple engineering, agricultural and environmental disciplines, the researchers have proposed the formation of a research team to create a paragraph of this project through the construction of a sustainable house. There is a scientific product of colleagues in different disciplines within the scope of the establishment of this house, but this paper deals with the general vision of the project away from designs and implementation relatives, and it should be noted that there are visions that are patent projects with a number of colleagues in research centers at the University of Anbar and their implementation requires the start of the implementation of an energy-producing building.


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