Satellite images: problems with the possibility of treatment and strengthening of storage for water harvesting in small dams


Satellite images: problems with the possibility of treatment and strengthening of storage for water harvesting in small dams

As part of the continuous space monitoring program for small dam projects in the western region, the Planning and Databases Department at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre - University of Anbar announced the latest update of satellite images captured by the European Space Agency satellites for dams in the western region for the period from 1-4-2023 to 20-4-2023.

Dr. Haitham Abdul Mohsen Affan, space monitoring officer in the Planning and Databases Department at the centre, said that the recent wave of rainfaall on April 11 and 12 has contributed to strengthening the water storage of dams in Upper Horan and separate areas of the region.

Until April 19, satellite images showed that the recent wave of rain had contributed to strengthening the storage in the Rutba Dam, as well as the Horan Dam/2, the Husseiniya Dam, and the Shbija Dam through an increase in the colour change in these dams to a dark colour, which means an increase in the water level.

Satellite images also showed the presence of some depressions or large diggings near the main streams of the valleys and even the presence of large pits within the main stream or channel of the valley, which leads to the reservation of large quantities of water and prevents its access to the dam reservoir. The dams of Husseiniya and Shabija satellite images showed that they contain large holes within the main channel of the valley and at a distance from the main dam reservoir, while satellite images of the Rutba dam showed pits or water at a distance from the main channel of the valley, and this also happened with the Horan Dam / 2, where large quantities of water were reserved in pits before reaching the course of the main channel of the valley on its way to the dam reservoir. The enhancement of water storage in these dams can refine the streams of these valleys so that the torrents are discharged directly to the dam reservoir, and the main course of Horan valley can be connected to the upper Rutba Dam to ensure that water reaches the dam reservoir.

The presence of these pits and depressions can increase the surface area of the water that is intended for evaporation, and thus an increase in waste, which may be a large percentage in some cases, which requires treatment.

To view the video of satellite images of the Rutba Dam...... Click here

To view the satellite video of the Husseiniya Dam...... Click here

To view the satellite images of the Shabija Dam..... Click here

To view the satellite video images of the Horan Dam / 2....... Click here



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