Meeting of the Scientific Committee at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre


Meeting of the Scientific Committee at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre

The Scientific Committee of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre held its regular periodic meeting under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Esam Khudair Hamza and the presence of all members. The committee hosted the Manager of the Centre, where the meeting discussed the paragraphs on the agenda, which included a comprehensive evaluation of the Second International Water Conference, which was organized by the Centre in cooperation with the Colleges of Engineering, Science, Agriculture and Basic Education in a Haditha on the occasion of the World Water Day, appreciating and blessing the efforts made by the conference committees, which culminated in the great scientific and organizational success that was achieved, and directing the continuation of doing more regarding the follow-up of scientific publishing and achieving the recommendations that came out of the conference.

The meeting also discussed the issue of laboratory quality and work to complete the procedures for obtaining accreditation, in addition to courses and workshops related to the work of laboratories. The subject of the research plan of the center and its research lines were also discussed, and work to develop a mechanism for approving the research submitted by the researchers and taking decisions that support the research plan, especially with regard to the quality and sobriety of these researches and studies approved by the committee.

In addition to a number of other topics about the work of the committee as well as plans for the development of terminal station and research that can be conducted in these stations.


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