Preparations begin to link the hydrological monitoring station to global observing networks


Preparations begin to link the hydrological monitoring station to global observing networks

A team from the Planning and Databases Department at the Centre started the procedures for linking and participating the hydro meteorological station in the Centre with the global meteorological networks, in a way that allows the provision of meteorological databases through the websites of the Centre and the University, which represents an important source of data for researchers and those interested in meteorology as well as postgraduate students.

The team conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the station and readiness to open an account on the international meteorological network and link the station to the network to exchange data with stations registered in the network, which provides data on various weather variables for the beneficiaries of researchers, postgraduate and primary students, and it is hoped that the connection will be completed next July.

This step comes within the centre's plans to expand the deployment of hydrological monitoring stations in various regions of the Upper Euphrates to build databases on rainfall, as well as wind speed and its prevailing trends to support research and studies in the subject of wind energy, as well as data on solar brightness to support research and studies on solar energy through cooperation with the Renewable Energy Research Centre at the university to achieve the university's strategic plans and the vision of the University of Anbar 2030 to achieve sustainable development goals in the field of providing renewable energy at affordable prices. It is the seventh goal of sustainable development.


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