Seminar on the field visit to the Industrial Research and Development Authority at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals


Seminar on the field visit to the Industrial Research and Development Authority at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals

In order to activate the memorandum of understanding concluded between our university and the Industrial Research and Development Authority at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, a seminar was held on Sunday, 26/3/2023, about the field visit to the Industrial Research and Development Authority at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals by a team from our centre and the Renewable Energy Centre at the university, and our center team included:

- Assistant Professor Dr. Muthanna Badie Farhan.

 - Assistant Lecturer Saif Saad Mansour.

During the seminar, the centres and laboratories visited by the centre's team were reviewed and the quality of the equipment and services provided by these centres and their research laboratories and the existing advanced laboratory equipment in the field of environmental, agricultural and engineering sustainability, as well as chemical and biological tests for various disciplines, through which a suitable environment can be provided for fruitful research cooperation and exchange of joint experiences, as well as the possibility of conducting courses for our centre's employees on advanced laboratory equipment to serve and develop their capabilities within the achievement of the mission and goals of our centre.

The seminar included conclusions and recommendations for this visit, the most important of which recommended the need for continuous communication between the researchers of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre and the researchers of the centers of the Industrial Research and Development Authority in order to carry out joint research in their fields of specialization and train our researchers on the advanced qualitative devices available to them in line with achieving the goals of the centre in sustainable development with the possibility of providing the material capabilities to complete these researches.



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