Starting of the Second International Scientific Water Conference 2023


Starting of the Second International Scientific Water Conference 2023

On the occasion of World Water Day and under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Abded Yasser Al-Aboudi, the activities of the Second International Scientific Conference on Water, which was held by the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre at University of Anbar in cooperation with the Colleges of Engineering, Agriculture, Science and Basic Education, were launched under the slogan (Water between scarcity and sustainability) for the period from 15-16/3/2023, on Haditha city in Anbar Governorate.

The conference started with the playing of the Iraqi national anthem, then reciting some verses of the Holy Quran and reciting Al-Fatiha verses on the souls of the martyrs of Iraq, and the speech of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research delivered by the President of the University, the representative of His Excellency the Minister in the conference, in which he said I stand in front of you representing His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Yasser Al-Aboudi, who assigned me to represent His Excellency in attending the proceedings of the conference. The efforts made by the university and its concerned formations in holding the conference, stressing that the conference witnessed great local and international participation, as it received wide support from the various Iraqi government agencies, expressing his great thanks and gratitude to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for his sponsorship and support for the conference, and thanks to the researchers participating in the conference, hoping that the conference will have a discussion of solid research and serious proposals and come out with serious and important visions and ideas that contribute to solving problems, and this is part of the mission of universities represented in serving Society and solving its problems.

The conference included a special video presentation on the International Water Conference, a video presentation on the conference, another entitled (Princess of Science) talking about the march of the University of Anbar for 35 years, and a lecture by the Minister of Water Resources entitled (Reality and Challenges).

The two-day conference discussed several topics, like the sustainable development of water resources and the ecosystem, the management of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas, as well as modern technologies for harvesting and preserving water in arid areas, and the last topic includes water quality and biodiversity.

The conference, which was attended by the Minister of Industry and Minerals, the Minister of Water Resources, a number of deputies, a representative of the Governor, the Deputy Governor, a number of security leaders, the Assistant President for Administrative Affairs, a number of deans of colleges, academic authorities and a group of university professors and students, aims to meet the challenges of climate change by adopting optimal water management strategies, ecosystem sustainability in dry areas, preserving biodiversity, and using renewable energy technologies as a way to reduce pollution and the effects of global warming.  Thermal and sustainability of water resources to enhance food security, overcome water scarcity and confront the phenomenon of desertification through the development of irrigation systems within the framework of sustainable development. At the end of the conference, shields were presented by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Al-Neda, to the researchers and participants in the conference.



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