((Renewal of invitation)) on the occasion of World Water Day


((Renewal of invitation)) on the occasion of World Water Day

It is to renew the invitation to our dear colleagues and students and those interested in water and environmental sciences, to attend The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre (UEBDC's) second international scientific conference on water, a scientific, cultural and tourism festival in which the Haditha generosity and giving guests of the University of Anbar are hosted by authentic Arab hospitality. The University of Anbar hosts at its headquarter site in Haditha the second international scientific conference, on the occasion of the World Water Day, held by the UEBDC in cooperation with the Colleges of Engineering, Agriculture, Science, and Basic Education - Haditha at the University of Anbar, for the period from 15-16 March 2023.

Our university adopts all the expenses of accommodation, internal transportation and transport from Baghdad to modern guesthouses overlooking the Euphrates River, where the local administration in the district of Haditha adopts hosting researchers and honorable attendees. The nice climate in March of this year, heavy rain, where truffles and green lands embroidered with flowers will increase the tourist activities accompanying the conference good-looking. Welcome to Haditha. Please communicate with the conference secretariat via the electronic website on the official page of the University of Anbar.

(Important note): The date for receiving research and posters has been extended until the tenth of February.

Welcome to Haditha on one of the days of the Euphrates


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