Very important // For researchers and postgraduate students, the rehabilitation and operation of the CHNS/O device begins


Very important // For researchers and postgraduate students, the rehabilitation and operation of the CHNS/O device begins

Today, with the blessing of God, the team assigned by the company supplying the device ((CHNS/O) examined and verified the efficiency of the device's work before proceeding to transfer the device to the new laboratory, which was recently rehabilitated with the support and guidance of the University Presidency and equipped with a solar energy system to ensure the continuity of the device's work to be one of the advanced laboratories in the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre.

This process aims to identify any possible defect that may have occurred to the device during its downtime and to ensure that the delicate and sensitive parts are not exposed to any malfunction and affect its work and efficiency.  The verification process was carried out in the presence and supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Muthanna Badi'e, responsible for the laboratory unit in the centre, and in the presence of a number of professors and researchers of the center, and the process of examining the work of the device took more than five continuous hours, and the sending team indicated a number of observations that may occur during the process of transferring the device, which was concluded through the examination indicators, and it was agreed to make a detailed statement by the equipped company in which all the observations observed during the examination process and the cost of transferring the device to the new place in preparation for the opening of the laboratory and receiving researchers and postgraduate students.

The element identification device (CHNS/O) is used to quickly determine the concentrations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen elements with high accuracy and the device has the ability to analyze a wide range of types of samples in the field of medicines, polymers, chemicals, energy, soil and others, so this qualitative device is very important in many researches for postgraduate students and researchers for the faculties of pharmacy, science, agriculture and others.



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