Weather forecast and places of runoff events in the upper Euphrates basin and the western region by satellite


Weather forecast and places of runoff events in the upper Euphrates basin and the western region by satellite

Satellite images obtained by the Planning and Databases Department at the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre indicate that there is a high probability of rainstorms falling on the western region of Iraq (Upper Euphrates Basin) by a large percentage, Satellite images showed that the rain will be concentrated on the Ga'ara region and the upper Horan valley, in addition to Al-Ghadaf, Amj and Al-Awj valleys, and it can reach more than (20 mm) in the upper Horan valley and the Al-Ga'ara region, and less in the rest of the regions on Monday 9-1-2023.

While the expected depth of rainfall will be less than the day before, with the probability of high floods remaining because of soil saturation in the watersheds and valleys from previous rainstorms.

on Wednesday 11-1-2023,  the rainstorms will recede and the precipitation possibility will be less.


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