Publishing a scientific research in an international journal


Publishing a scientific research in an international journal

In a new scientific achievement for the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre, researchers in the Planning and Databases Department at the Centre published a scientific research in an international journal within Scopus database in the second quartile with an impact factor of 3.

The instructors Dr Ahmed Saud Mohammed and Atheer Saleem Al Mawla as well as the Assistant instructor Salah Sabbar Thameel published a new research in the Mathematical Modeling of Engineering Problems "MMEP" journal. The title of the research is (Prediction of Monthly Evaporation Model Using Artificial Intelligent Techniques in the Western Desert of Iraq-Al-Ghadaf Valley).

The research aims to build a model to predict the monthly evaporation of Al-Ghadaf valley using artificial intelligence techniques, which can be used in predicting the monthly evaporation of the valley in the absence of sufficient weather stations in the region.



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