Waste processing for electric power generation and organic fertilizer production


Waste processing for electric power generation and organic fertilizer production

A panel discussion was held in the meeting room of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre on waste processing in Anbar Governorate for the production of electric power and organic fertilizer within the scientific program of the Centre for the academic year 2022-2023. Assistant instructor Abdel Nasser Thabet Muneer Al-Rawi presented a scientific lecture on a practical field study of a proposed project. To process waste within Anbar Governorate through which energy can be produced as well as organic fertilizer in addition to improving the environment through waste disposal and what can be achieved from positive returns that can contribute to supporting sustainable development plans and community service that the center seeks to achieve within the university's vision 2030 ..

The study also included an analysis of the economic feasibility of the project in numbers, including costs and revenues, in addition to achieving other goals leading to sustainable development in the governorate by providing job opportunities, reducing unemployment, and supporting other sectors, including agriculture and electric power.

After extensive discussions, it was decided to form a working group to follow up on the implementation of the project, provided that the start is with a simple production capacity and one production line for electrical energy with a capacity of 200 kV, and that the site be inside the university, provided that the economic feasibility study and details of the new capacity and modifications be completed within a month and that the project is approved Graduate students from the faculties of engineering, science and agriculture from the specializations of the project for the purpose of working to obtain funding for the project through the governorate and civil society organizations after obtaining approvals and approval of the study from the university presidency.


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