The President of Anbar University reviews the productive forest project


The President of Anbar University reviews the productive forest project

Confirmation Of the university's interest and support for research centres and as part of his field tour at the university site, the esteemed president of the university Prof. Dr Mushtak Taleb Al-Neda visited the productive forest project managed by the Natural Resources Department in the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre and met the Director of the Center Prof. Dr Ammar Hatem Kamel.

The President of the University listened to an explanation from Assistant Professor Dr Nawfal Adnan Sabri for the first stage of the project, which is to plant seedlings of Paulownia trees without any soil treatments or any replacement or addition, which proved great success and very encouraging results, which prompted the direction of planting seedlings for other types of trees, which the centre equipped with a forest project the Naimia of the Department of Forestry and Desertification in the Ministry of Agriculture within the protocol of cooperation with the Centre.

The President of the University gave his thanks to the Center and its cadres and his special thanks to Dr Nowfal for his keenness to maintain the momentum of work on the project. The Chairman of the University of Anbar Project Committee also directed a green oasis Prof. Dr Nihad Mohammed Abood Director of the Center for Desert Studies and Assistant Professor Muhammad Hammoud Muhanna, Director of the Maintenance Department, by providing the needs of the project, supporting its success, and digging a well within the project to be the nucleus of an integrated research station for the two centres of Upper Euphrates Basin Development and renewable energy research.



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