A busy day for our research center


A busy day for our research center

          The second meeting of the administrative council of the Center was held in the second session of the academic year 2018-2019 under the chairmanship of our center’s manager, Dr. Isam Mohamed Abdel Hameed, and the presence of the administrative council members on Sunday 14th April, 2019.


       The meeting discussed subjects like the first international scientific conference on water and the openness of the center to service departments in Haditha district, whose work is related to the research plans of the center and the restructuring of the administrative and research staff of the center. The meeting stated a number of recommendations, which we all seek to achieve in cooperation with the university presidency.

      Beside the meeting of administrative council, an expanded meeting was held for all staff of the center including members of the terminal station in Haditha to discuss the related topics discussed above. The award was granted to Dr. Khalid Dfeek Ahmed, a symbolic gift for his conversion to work at the College of Basic Education in Haditha in appreciation of the efforts that we have missed in the service of the Center over the past years. After that, all attendees were invited to a lunch hosted by the members of the center, to welcome the new members who were converted from the Ministry of Science and Technology to our research center.


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