The University of Anbar towards Sustainable Development Green Management


The University of Anbar towards Sustainable Development Green Management

In line with the University's plans to achieve the goals of sustainable development and the directive of the Presidency of the University to increase awareness and education on the concept of a sustainable green environment and with the arrival of the final stage of the study conducted by the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center on the concept of green management, which dealt in large part with reducing paper consumption, Prof. Dr Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed, who is currently full-time to complete a research fellowship in Turkey, wrote the following:

"Moving away from hard copies in thesis defence presentations"

"On the sidelines of my sabbatical in the faculty of agriculture/ university of Ankara, I attended a thesis defence discussion of one of the PhD candidates as my program supervisor (Prof Sonai Oki) was one of the discussion committee members. I noticed the absence of any hard copy of the PhD letter provided by the student, even not with the PhD student. I thought deeply about how much this civilised action saves effort and money and reduces the unnecessarily used paper, ink, copying and printing machines. The Masters and PhD letters get sent to the discussion committee members electronically, who review them and send them back (electronically) to the candidates after the discussion. Also, there were no printed posters or ID badges for the head and the discussion committee members, as all of that will increase the study cost, and they will eventually be discarded and becomes a burden on the environment. Another important point was the absence of any cameras, and the absensce of any interest in taking photos during the discussion.

And because we are used to taking photos and keeping records of our students' discussions, I took some photos of what I thought were important moments. However, and to show respect to the organising team, I asked for permission prior to releasing these photos on our university page (Al Anbar University)".


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