An invitation call for the evaluation of a book on the Makhoul Dam


An invitation call for the evaluation of a book on the Makhoul Dam

Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed, Chairman of the Advisory Group for the Preparation of the Economic Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Study and Hydrological Study of the Makhoul Dam Project in Salah Al-Din Governorate, received an invitation from (Save Tigris), a civil society organization concerned with water resources, to evaluate the scientific evaluation of its new edition of the Makhoul Dam and to express scientific and engineering opinion on it.

The economic feasibility, environmental effect, and hydrological studies were carried out by an engineering team from the Engineering Advisory Office at the College of Engineering, University of Anbar, which included in its membership three members of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center within the team tasked with conducting the study, namely: Prof. Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdulhameed, Chairman of the team and former Director of the Center, Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, current Director of the Center, and Dr. Ahmed Saud Mohammed, Head of the Planning and Databases Department at the Center.


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