Agriculture indices


Agriculture indices

Assistant Professor Dr. Nowfal Adnan Sabry

Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center / Anbar University 

It is defined as the ability of the land for agricultural production through the vegetation of that land, which is the result of the interaction between climate factors and soil conditions, as plants vary in their degree of tolerance to heat, salinity, alkali, airation, depth of ground water and other various factors, so plants that grow in such environments give clear evidence of their ability to grow and reproduce in those environments.

This leads to the development of vegetation through the series of water and drought succession, so the growth of plants in the series of water succession is the growth of submerged plants first, then floating, then swamp plants, then meadows, then shrubs and trees, where the forests are the peak ((climox). The growth of submerged plants impedes the movement of water and the deposition of suspended substances in it, even if the level of the ground rises under that water, the environment becomes unsuitable for the growth of these plants, so a large part of them will die and other plants will grow in their place, which are floating plants, and these stages are often gradual and overlapping. That is, it is possible to see both groups of submerged plants ending and the floating ones beginning to spread, but in the third stage, when the water level above the ground decreases more, it enters the stage of reed plants, such as sedge, where if the land becomes semi-dry, the stage of meadows comes, and the most important of its plants is Juncus. Under the water, shrubs grow, such as blink, west and willow, and then trees such as tamarisk, gogh, mulberry, and others.

As for the series of drought succession that occurs on land, it is basically similar to the water succession, except that the stages are different. The rocks have crumbled and cracks increased in other rocks, so herbaceous plants begin to appear and this fourth stage paves the way for the emergence of shrubs and then trees.mesophytes) which are the common cultivated plants that lie between aquatic plants and desert plants.

Below we list some important and useful agricultural guides in cultivating land because the growing plants give us clues about the chemical and physical reality of the soil and about the land's past, future and production capacity.

·        Desert land plants: These plants live in the desert environment as well as in the saline environment, such as one of the types of barley, thyme, jet and alfalfa.

·        Rainy plants: These plants depend on rain falling in desert areas such as wormwood, and their presence indicates that the depth of the ground water in those areas is more than five meters.

·        Terrestrial Water Plants: The roots of these plants reach the ground water and have the ability to absorb their water needs from it and among their species.Tamarix, Salsala, Medicago)).

·        Capillary water plants: These plants have the ability to benefit from the earth's water to a depth of 2 meters, where the plant benefits from its water through the capillary property and includes many succulent and saline plants such asAtriplex tatarica))and Khuraizah.

·        Aquatic plants: These plants live in swampy areas and other submerged lands, and they are highly transpirational, causing an increase in the salinity of those waters where they are found in temporary marshes. Among these plants are reeds and sedge, and it is possible, after depleting the water of that land, that there will be succession of saline plants, because the land becomes saline.

·        alkaline land plants (alkali Soil Plants ): The most important plants of these regions are(Achilla cristata , Aster tripolium) It is the most tolerant of alkalinity(Campharosm aovato).

·        saline land plants (Salin soil plants ):I will dwell in another article about these plants in detail.

A- Plants of wet areas (such as the Mediterranean climate):Such as Shannan, ragul, tamarisk, and species of clover belonging to the genus(Trifolium) and others.

b- Plants of arid regionsorid zon plant):By arid lands, we mean those lands in which the annual rate of rainfall is between 200-300 mm, so plants of several species spread in such areas, most of which were previously mentioned in other groups such as wormwood(Artemisia, Agropyron, Anabasis, Kochia)

c- desert plantsXerophytes) is meant by desert lands in which species such as the genus harem live( Zygophyllum)As well as plants of the genus(Suda salsola).

·        Saline wetland plants: When the soil is saline and with good moisture content, plants of some species of aquatic plants such as the genusJuncus),(Scirpus, phragmitis, Carax, Typha, Cyperus.

The careful study of the types of plants belonging to a particular genus suggests to the researcher a clear picture of the past and future of that land, with regard to its production capacity, salinity and moisture. Therefore, studying the indications of agriculture in the world in recent times has become very important for cultivating land, because it gives a field picture of the possibility of cultivating the land under that land. Circumstances.

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