Participation in a workshop


Participation in a workshop

The researcher assistant instructor Salah Sabbar Thmeel, participated in the symposium achieved in our university on 7-8 November concerning the recycling of rubbles in Anbar governorate, which is sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and participated in a research paper entitled (study of the properties of the rubble and the possibility of use in burying pavements layers) , And there was an important interaction by the manager of our research center about the possibility of the cooperation between the organization with our university to support a scientific master study in civil engineering related the construction of optimization model determines the optimal management of the recycling of debris and remnants of military operations throughout the province, it was a positive interaction by the organization with this suggestion.

The team of organization and manager of Environment office of Anbar went with engineer Salah to the crashing site of rubbles to monitor the actual results.

 Best wishes to the researcher hoping to see the actual application of results on the ground.



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