A delegation from the Nuaimiya Forest Project - The Department of Forestry and Combating Desertification visits the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center


A delegation from the Nuaimiya Forest Project - The Department of Forestry and Combating Desertification visits the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center

A delegation from the Nuaimiya Forest Project at the Office of Forestry and Combating Desertification, headed by the Senior Agricultural Engineer, Mr. Mahmoud Nuri Ahmed, visited the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center. He was received by Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, Director of the Center, expressed his welcome and happiness for this visit and he stated the Center's readiness to provide advice and expertise in the field of agricultural development and irrigation systems and to cooperate in joint projects of a developmental nature such as productive forests to achieve the goals of sustainable development in accordance with the university vision in this field.

For his part, the Director of the Nuaimiya Forest Project stressed the keenness of the project, and based on the directives of the Department of Forestry and Combating Desertification, to build bridges of cooperation and benefit from the university’s professors and expertise in the field of agricultural development and productive forests because of their economic returns and also in improving the environment, and expressed his great admiration for the University of Anbar as Green Oasis project, which was launched by the President of the University and directed to provide all means of success for him, stressing that it could be a nucleus for larger projects, especially with the availability of expertise and specialized research centers such as the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center and the Desert Studies Center in addition to the College of Agriculture.

It was agreed to communicate to crystallize an agreement or memorandum of cooperation between the center and the office after obtaining official approvals from the relevant authorities at the university and the Ministry of Agriculture. It was also agreed to provide the center with a number of seedlings for trees of a productive economic nature. The meeting was attended by Dr. Muneer Naji Ahmed, head of the natural resources department at the center and Dr. Saleh Muhammad, researcher in the same department, in addition to Mr. Wathiq Hamza Khalaf from the legal department of the project.

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